1. SLEP001: Transformers that modify their target

1.1. Rational

1.1.1. Summary of the contract of transformers

  • .transform(…) returns a data matrix X

  • .transform(…) returns one feature vector for each sample of the input

  • .fit_transform(…) is the same and .fit(…).transform(…)

1.1.2. Examples of usecases targetted

  1. Over sampling:

    1. Class rembalancing: over sampling the minority class in unbalanced dataset

    2. Data enhancement (nudgging images for instance)

  2. Under-sampling

    1. Stateless undersampling: Take one sample out of two

    2. Stateful undersampling: apply clustering and transform to cluster centers

    3. Coresets: return a smaller number of samples and associated sample weights

  3. Outlier detection:

    1. Remove outlier from train set

    2. Create a special class ‘y’ for outliers

  4. Completing y:

    1. Missing data imputation on y

    2. Semi-supervised learning (related to above)

  5. Data loading / conversion

    1. Pandas in => (X, y) out

    2. Images in => patches out

    3. Filename in => (X, y) with multiple samples (very useful in combination with online learning)

    4. Database query => (X, y) out

  6. Aggregate statistics over multiple samples

    1. Windowing-like functions on time-series

    In a sense, these are dodgy with scikit-learn’s cross-validation API that knows nothing about sample structure. But the refactor of the CV API is really helping in this regard.

These usecases pretty much require breaking the contract of the Transformer, as detailed above.

The intuition driving this enhancement proposal is that the more the data-processing pipeline becomes rich, the more the data grow, the more the usecases above become important.

1.2. Enhancements proposed

1.2.1. Option A: meta-estimators Proposal

This option advocates that any transformer-like usecase that wants to modify y or the number of samples should not be a transformer-like but a specific meta-estimator. A core-set object would thus look like:

  • From the user perspective:

    from sklearn.sample_shrink import BirchCoreSet
    from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForest
    estimator = BirchCoreSet(RandomForest())
  • From the developer perspective:

    class BirchCoreSet(BaseEstimator):
       def fit(self, X, y):
           # The logic here is wrong, as we need to handle y:
           super(BirchCoreSet, self).fit(X)
           X_red = self.subcluster_centers_
           self.estimator_.fit(X_red) Benefits

  1. No change to the existing API

  2. The meta-estimator pattern is very powerful, and pretty much anything is possible. Limitations

The different limitations listed below are variants of the same conceptual difficulty

  1. It is hard to have mental models and garantees of what a meta-estimator does, as it is by definition super versatile

    This is both a problem for the beginner, that needs to learn them on an almost case-by-case basis, and for the advanced user, that needs to maintain a set of case-specific code

  2. The “estimator heap” problem.

    Here the word heap is used to denote the multiple pipelines and meta-estimators. It corresponds to what we would naturally call a “data processing pipeline”, but we use “heap” to avoid confusion with the pipeline object.

    Heaps combining many steps of pipelines and meta-estimators become very hard to inspect and manipulate, both for the user, and for pipeline-management (aka “heap-management”) code. Currently, these difficulties are mostly in user code, so we don’t see them too much in scikit-learn. Here are concrete examples

    1. Trying to retrieve coefficients from a model estimated in a “heap”. Eg:

      • you know there is a lasso in your stack and you want to get it’s coef (in whatever space that resides?): pipeline.named_steps['lasso'].coef_ is possible.

      • you want to retrieve the coef of the last step: pipeline.steps[-1][1].coef_ is possible.

      With meta estimators this is tricky. Solving this problem requires https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/2562#issuecomment-27543186 (this enhancement proposal is not advocating to solve the problem above, but pointing it out as an illustration)

    2. DaskLearn has modified the logic of pipeline to expose it as a computation graph. The reason that it was relatively easy to do is that there was mostly one object to modify to do the dispatching, the Pipeline object.

    3. A future, out-of-core “conductor” object to fit a “heap” in out of core by connecting it to a data-store would need to have a representation of the heap. For instance, when chaining random projections with Birch coresets and finally SGD, the user would need to specify that random projections are stateless, birch needs to do one pass of the data, and SGD a few. Given this information, the conductor could orchestrate pull the data from the data source, and sending it to the various steps. Such an object is much harder to implement if the various steps are to be combined in a heap. Note that the scikit-learn pipeline can only implement a linear “chain” like set of processing. For instance a One vs All will never be able to be implemented in a scikit-learn pipeline.

      This is not a problem in non out-of-core settings, in the sense that the BirchCoreSet meta-estimator would take care of doing a pass on the data before feeding it to its sub estimator.

In conclusion, meta-estimators are harder to comprehend (problem 1) and write (problem 2).

That said, we will never get rid of meta estimators. It is a very powerful pattern. The discussion here is about extending a bit the estimator API to have a less pressing need for meta-estimators.

1.2.2. Option B: transformer-like that modify y Proposal

Introduce a TransModifier type of object with the following API (names are discussed below):

  • X_new, y_new = estimator.fit_modify(X, y)

  • X_new, y_new = estimator.trans_modify(X, y)


  • X_new, y_new, sample_props = estimator.fit_modify(X, y)

  • X_new, y_new, sample_props = estimator.trans_modify(X, y)

Contracts (these are weaker contracts than the transformer:

  • Neither fit_modify nor trans_modify are guarantied to keep the number of samples unchanged.

  • fit_modify may not exist (questionnable) Design questions and difficulties Should there be a fit method?

In such estimators, it may not be a good idea to call fit rather than fit_modify (for instance in coreset). How does a pipeline use such an object?

In particular at test time?

  1. Should there be a transform method used at test time?

  2. What to do with objects that implement both transform and trans_modify?

Creating y in a pipeline makes error measurement harder For some usecases, test time needs to modify the number of samples (for instance data loading from a file). However, these will by construction a problem for eg cross-val-score, as in supervised settings, these expect a y_true. Indeed, the problem is the following:

  • To measure an error, we need y_true at the level of sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_score or sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV

  • y_true is created inside the pipeline by the data-loading object.

It is thus unclear that the data-loading usecases can be fully integrated in the CV framework (which is not an argument against enabling them).

For our CV framework, we need the number of samples to remain constant: for each y_pred, we need a corresponding y_true.

Proposal 1: use transform at predict time.

  1. Objects implementing both transform and trans_modify are valid

  2. The pipeline’s predict method use transform on its intermediate steps

The different semantics of trans_modify and transform can be very useful, as transform keeps untouched the notion of sample, and y_true.

Proposal 2 Modify the scoring framework

One option is to modify the scoring framework to be able to handle these things, the scoring gets the output of the chain of trans_modify for y. This should rely on clever code in the score method of pipeline. Maybe it should be controlled by a keyword argument on the pipeline, and turned off by default. How do we deal with sample weights and other sample properties?

This discussion feeds in the sample_props discussion (that should be discussed in a different enhancement proposal).

The suggestion is to have the sample properties as a dictionary of arrays sample_props.

Example usecase useful to think about sample properties: coresets: given (X, y) return (X_new, y_new, weights) with a much smaller number of samples.

This example is interesting because it shows that TransModifiers can legitimately create sample properties.

Proposed solution:

TransModifiers always return (X_new, y_new, sample_props) where sample_props can be an empty dictionary. Naming suggestions

In term of name choice, the rational would be to have method names that are close to ‘fit’ and ‘transform’, to make discoverability and readability of the code easier.

  • Name of the object (referred in the docs): - TransModifier - TransformPipe - PipeTransformer

  • Method to fit and apply on training - fit_modify - fit_pipe - pipe_fit - fit_filter

  • Method to apply on new data - trans_modify - transform_pipe - pipe_transform Benefits

  • Many usecases listed above will be implemented scikit-learn without a meta-estimator, and thus will be easy to use (eg in a pipeline). Many of these are patterns that we should be encouraging.

  • The API being more versatile, it will be easier to create application-specific code or framework wrappers (ala DaskLearn) that are scikit-learn compatible, and thus that can be used with the parameter-selection framework. This will be especially true for ETL (extract transform and load) pattern. Limitations

  • Introducing new methods, and a new type of estimator object. There are probably a total of 3 new methods that will get introduced by this enhancement: fit_modify, trans_modify, and partial_fit_modify.

  • Cannot solve all possible cases, and thus we will not get rid of meta-estimators.

1.3. TODO

  • Implement an example doing outlier filtering

  • Implement an example doing data downsampling