3. SLEP003: Consistent inspection for transformers

3.1. Goals

  • Make it easy to describe features output from transformation pipelines in terms of input features.

  • Enable describing (e.g. with feature names) only a subset of output features.

  • Enable inspecting which input features are used or important in the model, such that models can be compressed.

3.2. Design

Transformers will provide a method of the following description.

def get_feature_dependence(self):
    """Identify dependencies between input and output features

    D : array or CSR matrix, shape [n_output_features, n_input_features]
        If D[i, j] == 0 then input feature j does not contribute to output
        feature i. Otherwise, feature i may depend on feature j.

        This should not be mutated by the user.


  • it is easy to inspect a transformer to see how many output features it produces.

  • by calling this method on the consitutent transformers of a FeatureUnion can determine from the shapes which features derive from which transformer.

  • it is easy to inspect a transformer to see how many input features it requires, making it easy to invent default feature names for transformation.

  • models can be compressed by first identifying features unused among the most informative features for a downstream classifier

  • determining and storing all feature names/descriptions within a pipeline may be expensive. By tracing dependencies, feature descriptions can be calculated for sparsely many features, perhaps via a method describe_features(sparse_input_feature_names, indices)

3.3. Examples

The following are rough implementations for some existing transformers:

class StandardScaler:
    def get_feature_dependence(self):
        # A diagonal matrix
        n_features = len(self.scale_)
        # csr_matrix constructed with (data, indices, indptr)
        return csr_matrix((np.ones(n_features), np.arange(n_features),
                           np.arange(n_features + 1)))

class PCA:
    def get_feature_dependence(self):
        return self.components_

class SelectorMixin:
    def get_feature_dependence(self):
        # One nonzero element per row
        mask = self._get_support_mask()
        idx = np.flatnonzero(mask)
        return csr_matrix((np.ones(idx.shape), idx, np.arange(len(idx) + 1)),
                          shape=(len(mask), len(idx)))

class Pipeline:
    def get_feature_dependence(self):
        # Dot product of constituent dependency matrices
        D = None
        for name, trans in self.steps:
            if trans is not None:
                if D is None:
                    D = trans.get_feature_dependence()
                    D = safe_sparse_dot(trans.get_feature_dependence(), D)
        return D

class FeatureUnion:
    def get_feature_dependence(self):
        # Concatenation of constituent dependency matrices
        Ds = [trans.get_feature_dependence()
              for _, trans in self.transformer_list
              if trans is not None]
        if any(issparse(D) for D in Ds):
            Ds = [csr_matrix(D) for D in Ds]
            return sp.hstack(Ds)
        return np.hstack(Ds)

3.4. Problem cases

3.4.1. 1d input / output

The input to a transformer may be a 1-dimensional array-like. This is often the case for feature extractors, which may take a list of dicts, a list of strings or a list of files, for instance. In this case, get_feature_dependence should spoof the existence of a single input feature, returning a matrix of shape (1, n_output_features).

While not included in scikit-learn repository, transformers may translate one 1-d array (or Series) into another 1-d array. It would be appropriate in this context for get_feature_dependence to return array([[1]]).

3.4.2. Pandas DataFrame input

The input features should correspond to columns in the case that a transformer is designed to take a Pandas DataFrame as input.

3.4.3. Constituent transformers lack this feature

Where Pipeline or FeatureUnion has a constituent transformer that lacks this method, calling hasattr(pipeline, 'get_feature_dependence') should similarly return False. This can be implemented using a property.

3.5. Alternatives

3.5.1. An attribute

An attribute feature_dependence_ could be used instead of a method, but for the following issues:

  1. feature_dependence_ cannot be constructed statically in Pipeline and FeatureUnion in case some constituent transformers. These could be implemented dynamically with a property and raise an error when .

  2. Often one would want to calculate the feature dependence matrix for all steps of a Pipeline excluding the last. This entails a dynamic approach to calculating the dependencies.

  3. An attribute will in some cases be redundant relative to existing attributes, such as RFE.support_

The main advantage of an attribute is that it may encourage the information to be stored at fit time avoiding recalculation. However this can be done when necessary with a method. An attribute may or may not have greater visibility to users.

3.5.2. Allow other sparse formats

I have suggested consistently using CSR so that it is efficient to perform matrix products as well as to look up active input features given selected output feature (a standard model inspection task).

DIA format may be more efficient in some cases, taking half the memory and allowing for more efficient matrix products and lookup relative to CSR. However the API assurances of a single format seem to outweigh DIA’s benefits.

3.5.3. Require binary values

Not binarising the output has the benefit of not copying in some cases. It does, howeve, risk numerical over/underflow in matrix multiplication.

3.5.4. Transposition

Return shape could be (n_input, n_output), which some users may find more intuitive. The current proposal has the following advantages:

  • consistency with notion of dependence: matrix maps first axis to dependencies in second.

  • consistency with PCA.components_

  • main purpose is model inspection, hence lookup by row is common in the current proposal.

  • transposing the shape would imply using CSC for the same efficiencies, which is less commonly used than CSR throghout scikit-learn.