SLEP014: Pandas In, Pandas Out


Thomas J Fan




Standards Track




This SLEP proposes using pandas DataFrames for propagating feature names through scikit-learn transformers.


scikit-learn is commonly used as a part of a larger data processing pipeline. When this pipeline is used to transform data, the result is a NumPy array, discarding column names. The current workflow for extracting the feature names requires calling get_feature_names on the transformer that created the feature. This interface can be cumbersome when used together with a pipeline with multiple column names:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

X = pd.DataFrame({'letter': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
                  'pet': ['dog', 'snake', 'dog'],
                  'num': [1, 2, 3]})
y = [0, 0, 1]
orig_cat_cols, orig_num_cols = ['letter', 'pet'], ['num']

ct = make_column_transformer(
    (OneHotEncoder(), orig_cat_cols), (StandardScaler(), orig_num_cols))
pipe = make_pipeline(ct, LogisticRegression()).fit(X, y)

cat_names = (pipe['columntransformer']

feature_names = np.r_[cat_names, orig_num_cols]

The feature_names extracted above corresponds to the features directly passed into LogisticRegression. As demonstrated above, the process of extracting feature_names requires knowing the order of the selected categories in the ColumnTransformer. Furthemore, if there is feature selection in the pipeline, such as SelectKBest, the get_support method would need to be used to determine column names that were selected.


The pandas DataFrame has been widely adopted by the Python Data ecosystem to store data with feature names. This SLEP proposes using a DataFrame to track the feature names as the data is transformed. With this feature, the API for extracting feature names would be:

from sklearn import set_config
set_config(pandas_in_out=True), y)
X_trans = pipe[:-1].transform(X)

['letter_a', 'letter_b', 'letter_c', 'pet_dog', 'pet_snake', 'num']

This SLEP proposes attaching feature names to the output of transform. In the above example, pipe[:-1].transform(X) propagates the feature names through the multiple transformers.

This feature is only available through a soft dependency on pandas. Furthermore, it will be opt-in with the the configuration flag: pandas_in_out. By default, pandas_in_out is set to False, resulting in the output of all estimators to be a ndarray.

Enabling Functionality

The following enhancements are not a part of this SLEP. These features are made possible if this SLEP gets accepted.

  1. Allows estimators to treat columns differently based on name or dtype. For example, the categorical dtype is useful for tree building algorithms.

  2. Storing feature names inside estimators for model inspection:

    from sklearn import set_config
    set_config(store_feature_names_in=True), y)
  3. Allow for extracting the feature names of estimators in meta-estimators:

    from sklearn import set_config
    est = BaggingClassifier(LogisticRegression()), y)
    # Gets the feature names used by an estimator in the ensemble

For options 2 and 3 the default value of configuration flag: store_feature_names_in is False.


Memory copies

As noted in pandas #27211, there is not a guarantee that there is a zero-copy round-trip going from numpy to a DataFrame. In other words, the following may lead to a memory copy in a future version of pandas:

X = np.array(...)
X_df = pd.DataFrame(X)
X_again = np.asarray(X_df)

This is an issue for scikit-learn when estimators are placed into a pipeline. For example, consider the following pipeline:

pipe = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LogisticRegression()), y)

Interally, StandardScaler.fit_transform will operate on a ndarray and wrap the ndarray into a DataFrame as a return value. This is will be piped into which calls check_array on the DataFrame, which may lead to a memory copy in a future version of pandas. This leads to unnecessary overhead from piping the data from one estimator to another.

Sparse matrices

Traditionally, scikit-learn prefers to process sparse matrices in the compressed sparse row (CSR) matrix format. The sparse data structure in pandas 1.0 only supports converting directly to the coordinate format (COO). Although this format was designed to quickly convert to CSR or CSC formats, the conversion process still needs to allocate more memory to store. This can be an issue with transformers such as the OneHotEncoder.transform which has been optimized to construct a CSR matrix.

Backward compatibility

The set_config(pandas_in_out=True) global configuration flag will be set to False by default to ensure backward compatibility. When this flag is False, the output of all estimators will be a ndarray.

Community Adoption

With the new pandas_in_out configuration flag, third party libraries may need to query the configuration flag to be fully compliant with this SLEP. Specifically, “to be fully compliant” entails the following policy:

  1. If pandas_in_out=False, then transform always returns numpy array.

  2. If pandas_in_out=True, then transform returns a DataFrame if the input is a Dataframe.

This policy can either be enforced with check_estimator or not:

  • Enforce: This increases the maintaince burden of third party libraries. This burden includes: checking for the configuration flag, generating feature names and including pandas as a dependency to their library.

  • Not Enforce: Currently, third party transformers can return a DataFrame or a numpy and this is mostly compatible with scikit-learn. Users with third party transformers would not be able to access the features enabled by this SLEP.


This section lists alternative data structures that can be used with their advantages and disadvantages when compared to a pandas DataFrame.


The proposed InputArray described SLEP012 Custom InputArray Data Structure introduces a new data structure for homogenous data.


  • A thin wrapper around a numpy array or a sparse matrix with a minimial feature set that scikit-learn can evolve independently.


  • Introduces another data structure for data storage in the PyData ecosystem.

  • Currently, the design only allows for homogenous data.

  • Increases maintenance responsibilities for scikit-learn.

XArray Dataset

xarray’s Dataset is a multi-dimenstional version of panda’s DataFrame.


  • Can be used for heterogeneous data.


  • scikit-learn does not require many of the features Dataset provides.

  • Needs to be converted to a DataArray before it can be converted to a numpy array.

  • The conversion from a pandas DataFrame to a Dataset is not lossless. For example, categorical dtypes in a pandas dataframe will lose their categorical information when converted to a Dataset.

  • xarray does not have as much adoption as pandas, which increases the learning curve for using Dataset with scikit-learn.

XArray DataArray

xarray’s DataArray is a data structure that store homogenous data.


  • xarray guarantees that there will be no copies during round-trips from numpy. (xarray #3077)


  • Can only be used for homogenous data.

  • As with XArray’s Dataset, DataArray does not as much adoption as pandas, which increases the learning curve for using DataArray with scikit-learn.

References and Footnotes