4. SLEP004: Data information

This is a specification to introduce data information (as sample_weights) during the computation of an estimator methods (fit, score, …) based on the different discussion proposes on issues and PR :

Probably related PR: - Add feature_extraction.ColumnTransformer #3886 - Categorical split for decision tree #3346

Google doc of the sample_prop discussion done during the sklearn day in paris the 7th June 2017: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k8d4vyw87gWODiyAyQTz91Z1KOnYr6runx-N074qIBY/edit

4.1. 1. Requirement

These requirements are defined from the different issues and PR discussions:

  • User can attach information to samples.

  • Must be a DataFrame like object.

  • Can be given to fit, score, split and every time user give X.

  • Must work with every meta-estimator (Pipeline, GridSearchCV, cross_val_score).

  • Can specify what sample property is used by each part of the meta-estimator.

  • Must raise an error if not necessary extra information are given to an estimator. In the case of meta-estimator these errors are not raised.

Requirement proposed but not used by this specification: - User can attach feature properties to samples.

4.2. 2. Definition

Some estimator in sklearn can change their behavior when an attribute sample_props is provided. sample_props is a dictionary (pandas.DataFrame compatible) defining sample properties. The example bellow explain how a sample_props can be provided to LogisticRegression to weighted the samples:

import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

digits = datasets.load_digits()
X = digits.data
y = digits.target

# Define weights used by sample_props
weights_fit = np.random.rand(X.shape[0])
weights_fit /= np.sum(weights_fit)
weights_score = np.random.rand(X.shape[0])
weights_score /= np.sum(weights_score)

logreg = LogisticRegression()

# Fit and score a LogisticRegression without sample weights
logreg = logreg.fit(X, y)
score = logreg.score(X, y)
print("Score obtained without applying weights: %f" % score)

# Fit LogisticRegression without sample weights and score with sample weights
logreg = logreg.fit(X, y)
score = logreg.score(X, y, sample_props={'weight': weights_score})
print("Score obtained by applying weights only to score: %f" % score)

# Fit and score a LogisticRegression with sample weights
log_reg = logreg.fit(X, y, sample_props={'weight': weights_fit})
score = logreg.score(X, y, sample_props={'weight': weights_score})
print("Score obtained by applying weights to both"
      " score and fit: %f" % score)

When an estimator expects a mandatory sample_props, an error is raised for each property not provided. Moreover if an unintended properties is given through sample_props, a warning will be launched to prevent that the result may be different from the one expected. For example, the following code :

import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

digits = datasets.load_digits()
X = digits.data
y = digits.target
weights = np.random.rand(X.shape[0])

logreg = LogisticRegression()

# This instruction will raise the warning
logreg = logreg.fit(X, y, sample_props={'bad_property': weights})

will raise the warning message: “sample_props[‘bad_property’] is not used by LogisticRegression.fit. The results obtained may be different from the one expected.”

We provide the function sklearn.seterr in the case you want to change the behavior of theses messages. Even if there are considered as warnings by default, we recommend to change the behavior to raise as errors. You can do it by adding the following code:


Please refer to the documentation of np.seterr for more information.

4.3. 3. Behavior of sample_props for meta-estimator

4.3.1. 3.1 Common routing scheme

Meta-estimators can also change their behavior when an attribute sample_props is provided. On that case, sample_props will be sent to any internal estimator and function supporting the sample_props attribute. In other terms all the property defined by sample_props will be transmitted to each internal functions or classes supporting sample_props. For example in the following example, the property weights is sent through sample_props to pca.fit_transform and logistic.fit:

import numpy as np
from sklearn import decomposition, datasets, linear_model
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

digits = datasets.load_digits()
X = digits.data
y = digits.target

logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression()
pca = decomposition.PCA()
pipe = Pipeline(steps=[('pca', pca), ('logistic', logistic),])

# Define weights
weights = np.random.rand(X.shape[0])
weights /= np.sum(weights)

# weights is send to pca.fit_transform and logistic.fit
pipe.fit(X, sample_props={"weights": weights})

By contrast with the estimator, no warning will be raised by a meta-estimator if an extra property is sent through sample_props. Anyway, errors are still raised if a mandatory property is not provided.

4.3.2. 3.2 Override common routing scheme

You can override the common routing scheme of sample_props of nested objects by defining sample properties of the form <component>__<property>.

You can override the common routing scheme of sample_props by defining your own routes through the routing attribute of a meta-estimator.

A route defines a way to override the value of a key of sample_props by the value of another key in the same sample_props. This modification is done every time a method compatible with sample_prop is called.

To illustrate how it works, if you want to send weights only to pca, you can define a sample_prop with a property pca__weights:

import numpy as np
from sklearn import decomposition, datasets, linear_model
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

digits = datasets.load_digits()
X = digits.data
y = digits.target

logistic = linear_model.LogisticRegression()
pca = decomposition.PCA()

# Create a route using routing
pipe = Pipeline(steps=[('pca', pca), ('logistic', logistic),])

# Define weights
weights = np.random.rand(X.shape[0])
weights /= np.sum(pca_weights)
pca_weights = np.random.rand(X.shape[0])
pca_weights /= np.sum(pca_weights)

# Only pca will receive pca_weights as weights
pipe.fit(X, sample_props={'pca__weights': pca_weights})

# pca will receive pca_weights and logistic will receive weights as weights
pipe.fit(X, sample_props={'pca__weights': pca_weights,
                          'weights': weights})

By defining pca__weights, we have overridden the property weights for pca. On all cases, the property pca__weights will be send to pca and logistic.

Overriding the routing scheme can be subtle and you must remember the priority of application of each route types:

  1. Routes applied specifically to a function/estimator: {'pca__weights': weights}}

  2. Routes defined globally: {'weights': weights}

Let’s consider the following code to familiarized yourself with the different routes definitions :

import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, GridSearchCV, LeaveOneLabelOut

digits = datasets.load_digits()
X = digits.data
y = digits.target

# Define the groups used by cross_val_score
cv_groups = np.random.randint(3, size=y.shape)

# Define the groups used by GridSearchCV
gs_groups = np.random.randint(3, size=y.shape)

# Define weights used by cross_val_score
weights = np.random.rand(X.shape[0])
weights /= np.sum(weights)

# We define the GridSearchCV used by cross_val_score
grid = GridSearchCV(SGDClassifier(), params, cv=LeaveOneLabelOut())

# When cross_val_score is called, we send all parameters for internal values
cross_val_score(grid, X, y, cv=LeaveOneLabelOut(),
                sample_props={'cv__groups': groups,
                              'split__groups': gs_groups,
                              'weights': weights})

With this code, the sample_props sent to each function of GridSearchCV and cross_val_score will be:




{'weights': weights, 'cv__groups': cv_groups, split_groups ': gs_groups}


{'weights': weights, 'cv__groups': cv_groups, split_groups ': gs_groups}


{'weights': weights, 'groups': gs_groups, 'cv__groups': cv _groups, split_groups': gs_groups}


{'weights': weights, 'groups': groups, 'cv__groups': cv_gr oups, split_groups': gs_groups}

Thus, these functions receive as weights and groups properties :
















4.4. 4. Alternative propositions for sample_props (06.17.17)

The meta-estimator says which columns of sample_props they wanted to use.

p = make_pipeline(
p.fit(X, y, sample_props={column_name=value})

For example :

p = make_pipeline(
    SVC(C=10).with(fit_weights='weights', score_weights='weights')
p.fit(X, y, sample_props={"weights": w})

Other proposals: - Olivier suggests to modify .with(...) by .sample_props_mapping(...). - Gael suggests to change the .with(...) by a property with_props=... like :

p = make_pipeline(

4.4.1. 4.1 GridSearch + Pipeline case

Let’s consider the case of a GridSearch working with a Pipeline. How we definer the sample_props on that case ? Alternative 1

Pass through everything in GridSearchCV:

pipe = make_pipeline(
    PCA(), SVC(),
    with_props={pca__fit_weight: 'my_weights'}})
    pipe, cv=my_cv,
    with_props={'cv__groups': "my_groups", '*':'*')

A more complex example with this solution:

pipe = make_pipeline(

    cv=my_cv.with(groups='my_groups'), score_weight='my_weight') Alternative 2

Grid search manage the sample_props of all internal variable.

pipe = make_pipeline(PCA(), SVC())
    pipe, cv=my_cv,
        'cv__groups': "my_groups",
        'estimator__pca__fit_weight': "my_weights"),

A more complex example with this solution:

pipe = make_pipeline(
    pipe, cv=my_cv,
        'cv__groups': "my_groups",
        'estimator__featureunion__countvectorizer-1__fit_weight': "my_weights",
        'estimator__featureunion__countvectorizer-2__fit_weight': "my_weights",
        'score_weight': "my_weights",